Fatima robe of blue muslin trimmed with white lace, and sleeves fastened with white buttons. (LMM)
Fashion Timeline
Full dress: round gown, with the Agatha robe of pink muslin, fastened on the shoulders with Cornelian clasps, open on the left side, and either hanging loose in front, or bound round the waist with belts of the same as the Cornelian clasp. Shoes of purple velvet (LMM)
Full dress: round gown, plaited on the breast, with broad lace tucker. Demi-habillement of lilac muslin, with a narrow trimming of black on the body. (LMM)
Fig 1: Full dress; Scicilian vest, crimson velvettrimmed with ermine, over a half dress of of white muslin,trimmed with points of crimson velvet;sleeves and ruff plain. (LMM)
Fig 2: Full dress: scarlet Kerseymere gown, with half sleeves trimmed with brown fur. (LMM)
Full dress; habitd’escalier, half robe of dark blue sarsnet trimmed with gold lace; the sleeves and skirt open in front, and fastened by gold straps and clasps. (LMM)